Modernization of corporative data transfer network

The modernization of corporate network of data transfer became an important part of the company's plan on developing its private infrastructure IT infrastructure, introduction of continuous business technologies and implementation of corporate strategy of SIBUR Holding OJSC. The strategy is aimed at raising the efficiency of data transfer networks and bringing down the production costs by means of common channels, user terminals, centralized administration and unification of data procession, functional and technical architecture of the company's CDTS.
Sibur-Khimprom CJSC trusted the project to Perm Office of Open Technologies.
The objective of the system integrator was to build a modern and highly reliable company net infrastructure with anoption of further scaling and adding new functional modules an services. Such approach was meant to minimize investment to net modernization. An important objective was also to provide for flexibility and simplicity of adding new corporate applications and ser services.
The project included design, commissioning of the customer's equipment and launching the system into operation.
The architecture of the CDTS includes a sub-system of net interaction, a subsystem of information security, a subsystem of monitoring and control
The net included the equipment produced by Cisco Systems — network firewall, Catalyst commutators of 6509, 3560, 4500, 3750, 2960, 2950 series and routers 2811.
One of the peculiarities of net interaction in the modernized CDTS is vertical traffic. It means that user working stations interact only with servers (not with each other). Thus, the transferred traffic is localized within every access commutators according to the principle: one access commutators – one subnet. It allows cutting the load on communication equipment, improve the traffic and raise the reliability and safety of CDTS.
According to the head of IT and communications department at Sibur-Khimprom CJSC Valery Borodulin, "modern IT infrastructure is necessary for every company positioning itself as a successful stable enterprise aimed at further development. The modernization of data transfer network will allow us raising the efficiency of business processes and being a leader of petrochemistry. The IT of the works caters to its industrial interest, according to all modern trends. The project was complicated not only from technical point of view. Tough terms (Only 1 month) made us working non-stop. Due to high competence and agreed activities of the specialists of system integrator and our personnel we managed to handle it in time».
The produced CDTS, capable of providing the necessary productivity and failure withstandability of all information systems of Sibur-Khimprom CJSC. The net is operating successfully at the moment.
Integrated development and introduction of information security elements Creation of reserve data copying system
System in the field of efficient processing
Industrial automation systems