Basic IS Systems (firewalls, VPN, IPS)
Open Technologies offers whole range of services starting with analysis of customer's critical application systems and ending with introduction of IS subsystems and technical support:
- collection of data about the customer's automated system, development of requirements to AS protection;
- risk assessment, development of IS system, including development of management processes and corporate standards, choice of hardware and software products;
- supplies of hardware and software to implement the project, IS system introduction;
- ISS technical support.
There are several special directions in the field of IS assurance subsystem creation:
- perimeter protection, IDS/IPS facilities;
- protection of servers and work stations;
- protection against leaks of confidential information;
- data encryption means;
- antivirus, antispam;
- strengthened authentication facilities;
- unauthorized access (UAA) protection;
- IS facilities centralized control.
To construct these and other IS assurance subsystems Open Technologies uses the brand new technologies of the leading international and Russian manufacturers.
Separately it is worth to mention the solution aimed to protect virtual infrastructures.
With use of cloud calculations and virtual infrastructures new information security threat class appears which is impossible to be blocked by conventional means. We propose to use special facilities allowing you to solve the following tasks:
- Protection of virtual engines against viruses and malicious software without agents due to deep integration with hypervisor VMware at the API level (vShield Endpoint)
- Protection of servers and virtual engines against network attacks and granular control of network connections
- Neutralizing vulnerabilities before launch or without patches for operation systems and applications - virtual patching
- Web-application protection against SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities not changing web-application code
- Detection and prevention of network attacks, network scanning and suspicious activities
- Real-time control of file, directory and register integrity
- Compliance to various PCI DSS requirements based on one product
Open Technologies accumulated vast experience in designing and introduction of information security solutions. Our customers include largest Russian and international enterprises and organizations.