Creation of database network and reserve copying system

The information system in Permenergosbyt OJSC is supported by a great number of servers. The volume of its stored data increases by more than 50% a day. It is difficult to cope with such volume without consolidation of storage devices.
That is why the administration of the company took a decision to create a data storage network and a system of reserve copying in order to provide for a fast and reliable access to the data, flexibility in managing disc capacity and scalability.
During the project the specialists of Open Technologies Perm Office designed a network and a reserve copying system, supplied, assembled and configured the equipment and software, introduced the customer's personnel to the system.
The constructed DSS is based on Fiber Channel protocol proving for reliable storage of information resources and operational access to the necessary corporative infrastructure, which is especially relevant in the conditions of fast informational development and growth of Permenergosbsyt.
The work involved Hewlett-Packard equipment (HP 4/32 San Switch FC-commutators, HP EVA 8100 hard drive array, MSL 6060 tape library).
The net is designed in such a way so that the servers were independent from disc drive subsystems. It enables separate scaling of computation powers and disc subsystems. If It is necessary, the dynamic redistribution of disc space volumes.
The net reliability is secured by doubling of its entire component: commutators, adapters in servers, cables. Thus, the failure of any component will not block the access of servers to the data.
The DSS is integrated with a reserve copying system built at the second stage in order to protect the data from loss not only during hardware and software failures, but also from mistakes of users.
The reserve copying system was made on the basis of Hewlett-Packard equipment (MSL 6060 tape library with 2 LTO 3 drives and software of Symantec (Backup Exec)).
"The constructed DSS provided for flexible distribution of disc space between the serves. The use of advanced technologies raised the productivity of subsystem. Doubling of data storage components, hard drive array and system of reserve copying raised the reliability of the customer's IT infrastructure", said Sergey Suniayev, Manager on Corporate Clients at Corporate Technologies Perm Office.
According to Anton Ilyinykh, deputy director general of Permenergosbyt OJSC on IT , "the implementation of the project will provide for high availability of the essential business information, bring down the costs of storage and simplify the information access control and extension of the system in the future.
Modernization of server complex Creation of common catalogue service and corporative e-mail system