Modernization of data processing center
The main activity of Sheremetievo-Cargo is related to servicing airplanes and motor transport while delivering cargoes and mail in international and domestic air service.
With regard to business development Sheremetievo-Cargo saw the volumes of its stored and processed data growing. It found it necessary to introduce new information systems, capable of storing and processing the information. For the sake of better control over the safety, efficiency and quality of its services Sheremetievo-Cargo made a decision on introduction of Aerograd, an organization and technical product developed by the namesake information and logistics center. The product includes over 100 information systems providing for full automation of all cargo and document processing operations and high level of security.
While introducing Aerograd product, it became evident that the DPC hardware platform installed over 10 years ago is outdated and fails to cope with the exiting load. It impacted its productivity and could bring about a failure of systems functioning in DPC (EPR-system, systems of control over the flow of cargoes and documents, control systems for finance and business operations DB, warehouse security, statistics DB, etc.) and influence the company’s major system indicators.
In order to prevent such situations Aerrograd recommended the administration of Sheremetive-Cargo to modernize the outdated DPC.
The tender for the project was won by Open Technologies
The customer requested the integrator to create a full-scale DPC providing for high level of productivity, reliability and failure withstandability in performing data storing and processing operations.
During the project the specialists of Open Technologies inspected the existing DPC, designed a new one, supplied, configured and commissioned the equipment.
The designed architectural and technical decisions where based on the customer's requirements to availability and failure withstandability and such parameters as the number of users, the volume of stored data and rates of their growth, clusterization and vitalization means, the degree of utilization of computer resources, reserve copying and data storage policy. Besides, it was necessary to take into account the modernized DPC with the existing data transfer net components and engineering infrastructure of Sheremetievo Cargo. The produced DPC is based on the principle of net components interaction and various data transfer protocols and has a centralized model of calculations. The new DPC infrastructure is based on HP BladeSystem c-Class servers with с HP Integrity BL860c server blades, controlled by HP-UX operational system, and HP ProLiant BL460c servers, providing foe virtualization environment controlled by VMware Infrastructure software.
The reliability of data storage was guaranteed by highly productive EMC CLARiiON hard drive arrays of CX3 Ultrascale series.
During the project the specialists of Open Technologies organized a test laboratory for checking the main technical solutions and functional peculiarities. For instance, they checked out the productivity of Oracle DBCS operation on servers with the last generation Intel Itanium 2 processors controlled by ОС HP-UX. During special stress tests they demonstrated the functional capabilities of remote control with optical EMC Connectrix commutators, EMC CLARiiON and EMC Navisphere hard drive arrays control commutators.
The modernized DPC provides or scalability according to the volume of the stored data: increase in Oracle DBCS server powers; computing powers of virtualization applications servers; the volume of the main and reserve data storage subsystems; the number of ports in DSS commutators.
According to Vitaly Chumanov, Corporate Clients Manager at Open Technologies, "the modernized DPC is balanced hardware and software complex catering to the growing requirements to Sheremetievo-Cargo IT-infrastructure form many years. The adopted solution will help Sheremetievo-Cargo the exclude the possible failure of DPC components and minimize the risk of its impact on the company’s activity in general. The operations staff will have an opportunity of holding routine maintenance without stopping the services that are essential for the work of the company ".
Creation of local computer network Creratiion of engineering infrastructure for a data procesing center
High Performance Computing Systems System in the field of efficient processing