Creation of Portals
One of the efficient means of access to relevant and useful information is a corporate portal. The portal can accumulate everything created in the company before, ensure its accurate naming and full application, and facilitate work of employees due to unified interface as distinct from a dozen of non-integrated systems and information sources.
Introduction of corporate portal can have various objectives. The portal can be both external, oriented to the company partners and clients, and domestic aimed to improve collaboration of the organization employees.
The corporate portal provides the company with the following possibilities:
- provision of key information services, self-maintenance services (paper work for business trips, request for training, etc.). These services can be closely connected with other information and application systems of the enterprise;
- publication of reference information (list of employees, birthdays, event calendar, notifications, information about the company, internal regulations and procedures, frequently asked questions, reference data, etc.);
- publication of news (with possibility to collect information from external sources, convenient web-content management system);
- interface for key corporate information systems, centralized access to useful information;
- organization of nodes aimed for users' team work on tasks/activities not necessarily connected with direct production activities;
- providing access to partner organizations, joint work;
- warranty of safe access to information, providing services on momentary authorization;
- support of mobile devices, adaptation of the portal structure and content.
Open Technologies offers services on creation of all types of corporate portals and team work systems based on software from the leaders of the market (IBM WebSphere Portal, Oracle Portal, Microsoft SharePoint Portal).
- Business-to-Customer, B2C. The web-site containing information about products and services on work with clients available for the company customers. Here electronic commerce trading sites can be taken as an example.
- Business-to-Business, B2B. The web-site for corporate customers where they can receive information and use the enterprise services. For example, dealers and distributors can use it to order the enterprise goods and services.
- Business-to-Employees, B2E. Work space for the company employees providing access to the enterprise internal information system, information and applications.
The solutions offered by our company will allow ensuring integrated personalized access to the information required to the organization employees to solve these or those tasks and guarantee information security assurance.
Within the project we will execute the whole range of works on creation and introduction of corporate portals and team work systems, their adjustment to corporate style, extend portal platform functionality according to customer's needs, work out development concepts and migration plans.
With the portal you receive:
- Improved operational efficiency and accuracy of management solutions
- Decision-making process optimization providing integrated access to the enterprise data and applications.
- Business expansion and creation of additional sales channel
The portal is a business tool which makes it possible to target information effect (marketing companies, information and service customization) to certain user audience type (partners, customers, subsidiary employees, etc.). It provides with new possibilities to conduct business attracting clients from different countries.
- Enhanced enterprise operation efficiency
Application of team work tools will allow enhancing performance of the enterprise employees’ interaction and work and cutting expenses connected to trips. Information resources labeling mechanisms will allow reducing time wasted to look for required information both in the enterprise and externally.
- Saved information system infrastructure investment
Possibility to further use inherited applications saving money invested into the information system infrastructure.
- Reduced cost of introduction and development of new systems
Application of the portal unified platform will allow reducing time for introduction and expenses for development of new applications and reducing costs of the enterprise information system support.
- Improved company reputation
Use of the latest technologies and, consequently, provision of additional services will allow the company to receive competitive advantaged at the market.
- Improved customer service quality
The portal platform delivering the basic set of services allows flexible extension of functionality to provide new customized services to customers.
- Improved financial parameters
Better financial parameters and reduction of time expenses as a result of more close interaction with clients and partners.