Consulting on optimization of production and management processes for energy economy companies
OT-OIL has long-term experience in implementation of projects on improvement of key business processes of oil and service enterprises and is ready to help the customer to choose and introduce the most suitable Russian and foreign vendors for this IT solution.
The main industry services:
- process audit and optimization:
- inspection of existing main and supporting business processes in the field of survey, development, production, preparation and transportation of oil and gas;
- analysis and assessment of process optimality according to the following parameters: quality, information, decision-making speed, process automation, etc.;
- process assessment and regulation support;
- development of solutions on optimization/re-engineering;
- activity regulation
- IT consulting:
- development of criteria to assess IT program implementation efficiency and information resources usage;
- audit and performance assessment for the existing information systems, detection of the usage level and potential possibilities;
- development of requirements to information resources state (applications, hardware and software tools, networks, IT department structure);
- development of strategy solutions and recommendations on usage of the enterprise information resources;
- formation of portfolio of IT projects, concepts and development plans and implementation sequence;
- detection of the IT cost of ownership, operational expenses;
- assessment of IT investment volumes.