History of the company

Open Technologies was founded in 1994 by former graduates of the Institute of Fine Mechanics and IT Equipment (IFMITE) at the Academy of Science of the USSR. Back in early 90s Sergey Vladimirovich Kalin, the founder and Honorary president of Open Technologies. In the first year the personnel of the company included just 17 people. Today it employs over 400 people.
The first project dealt with creation of computer centers and data processing centers mainly for bank structures, as IT decisions in that sector were in the highest demand at that moment. Gradually, the company expanded the range of it services, began building enterprise data networks, both local and geographically distributed ones. These projects predetermined our penetration to the regions. The organization set up a service center and afterwards such practice turned out successful in the regions. Today, a large share of business is constituted by service.
The company offers complex management of geographically-distributed projects nationwide as general contractor. It means that it provides for development and implementation of the project plan, coordinates the work of various executors, monitors the compliance with uniform technical policy and uniform concept of project management, maintains control over operational quality.
Open Technologies is a close-knit team of professionals. Adherence to principles and our strong sides including customer success assistance, commitment to innovations, optimization, responsibility for the final result and openness made us one of the biggest IT companies in Russia.
General milestones
- Creation of the domestic software and hardware complex for industrial automation tasks solution in conjuction with partners
- Shift of focus to Russian solutions, migration from foreign technologies, information security and service in the case of absence of international vendors maintenance
- Partnership with the leading Russian vendors
- Implementation of the first in the Russian energy sector software-defined network SD-WAN for Samaraenergo
- Active participation in the creation of Network Control Centers for Rosseti Center and Rosseti Center and Provolzhye. Within this project Open Technologies implemented the special software, dealed with creation of the information videodisplay system and dispatch centers
- Demonstration of the technical solutions in cloud virtualization, built completely on Russian equipment and software. Plans to implement such IT-infrustracture in DPS "Kavkaz"
- Creation of the automated operational-technological unit system. Modernization of dispatch stations in 17 regions of Russia
- OT.Platform is listed in the registry of domestic software
- Open Technologies celebrates 25 years
- Development of the in-house ML-based solutions
- Software development department becomes a seperate structure
A large-scale project to ensure integrated security at various facilities of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, as well as at the facility of the International
- Broadcasting Center Completion of work on a project to create a robot plant of Cherkizovo Group of Companies. Open Technologies provided the IT infrastructure. The plant has no analogs in Russia and also in Europe.
Oleg Gizatullin again took the post of General Director
- Open Technologies specialists and Kaspersky Lab experts have successfully implemented and commissioned the Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity solution at the Krasnoyarsk HPP site. These solutions are designing to detect attacks and malware, and they monitor all network traffic in SDTU networks in real-time
- Ensuring comprehensive security at the facilities of the international sports event "Confederations Cup", held in Moscow
- The company received a certificate for the Environmental Management System GOST R ISO 14001-2016 (ISO 14001: 2015)
- Partnership with Bright Computing, a renowned manufacturer of computing cluster management software; with MDG Service, the largest service company in Russia
- Roscosmos grants Open Technologies an open-ended license for the creation, modernization and refinement of mathematical and software for technical training facilities for astronauts
The company has appointed a new CEO Sergey Viktorovich Polovnikov.
- The company received the status of Certified Service Partner (CSP) of Huawei
- Nikolay Ryzhov, vice president of strategic customer service at Open Technologies, at the meeting of the APKIT on May 19, 2015.He was approving as the head of the Committee for the Development and Localization of Information Technologies
- The Open Technologies Company and the Russian server hardware manufacturer Rikor conducted complex tests of a hardware solution based on the domestic EcoServer R314 ARM server with a wide range of open-source data processing software. This complex was developed and produced in Russia, which allows domestic enterprises to use it as part of the import substitution program. Open Technologies experts confirmed that the implementation of IT solutions based on EcoServer R314 has good prospects
- Open Technologies and Rikor also tested the Russian storage system for cloud services. The solution is characterizing by fault tolerance and a favorable price per gigabyte of storage
- Open Technologies, in partnership with NextIO and NVIDIA, developed and launched the new generation of hybrid supercomputers ENTER and installed a special hybrid supercomputer with a peak performance of 4.4 TFlops in its Competence Center
- The joint project of VimpelCom and Open Technologies Mobile Quality Analyzer (MQA) won the Global CIO award in the contest “Project of the Year 2013” in the nomination “The Best Industry Solution / Telecommunications”
- Open Technologies have implemented the service monitoring of information systems in the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow
- Open Technologies have completed the project on development and implementation of a billing system for "Samaraenergo" – the largest energy sales company of Volga region
- Open Technologies have obtained the highest partner status of Hewlett-Packard – Gold Partner.
- Open Technologies complete the project on modernization of data storage systems in the retail chain "Krasny Yar" that carries out traditional trade in the format of a classic supermarke, and serves more than 100 thousand customers
- Open Technologies announced the completion of the project on design, supply, installation and commissioning of the automated system security in Suchodolski plant
- Top managers of the company – Sergey Kalin and Grigoriy Shevchenko head the annual rating of best top managers of the country made by the Managers Association together with the “Kommersant publishing house”
- Completion of the project on creating a hybrid supercomputer for the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University (KSPU) named after B. N. Astafev
- Supercomputer for UB RAS is in TOP- 500 of the most powerful supercomputers in the world
- Signing a partnership agreement with New Vision Inco
- Opening in the company a specialized Department on work with medical institutions
- According to the results of the XIV annual rating «TOP-1000 Russian managers», a list of the best commercial Directors was headed by Grigory Shevchenko, First Deputy General Director on Commerce
- Top managers of the company entered the 13th annual rating of the best managers of the company in 2012 presented by Association of Russian Managers.
- The company concluded a partnership agreement with AITO Technologies aimed at promotion of client experience management (CEM) decisions to the Russian market.
- The company publishes the second edition of monograph Medicine Informatization Strategy. 17 Principles and Decisions. It analyzes the current state and achievements of medical informatization.
- The company received Cisco's Advanced Borderless Network Architecture Specialization; Silver partner status of Veeam Software and Premier partner of Quest Software.
- Conclusion of an exclusive partnership agreement with NextIO, a leading supplier of solutions of the next generation for highly productive hybrid clusters on GPU basis of Tesla processors.
- Bringing to the market of hybrid supercomputers of the new generation developed in partnership with NextIO and NVIDIA companies.
- Installation in its own Competence Center for demonstration to customers of special hybrid supercomputer with peak productivity of 4,4 Tflops.
- Confirmation of the status of Cisco GOLD Certified Partner.
- Receiving of specialization Vmware Academic Specialization, architectural specialization Cisco Advanced Collaboration Architecture Specialization.
- Conclusion of a partnership agreement with Bright Computing, a famous manufacturer of software on management of computing clusters; with “CRT Service”, the largest high-tech company service in Russia.
- Opening of the direction “Consulting in the field of optimization of production and management processes of FEC companies” in the affiliated company “OT-OIL”.
- Publication together with the Problem commission of RAMS of the monography “Strategy of medicine informatization” which reads how, in what directions and for what purposes it is necessary to introduce modern information technologies and systems into medicine, what should be done to significantly improve quality of diagnostics, treatment and reabilitation of patients, how might be extended the spectrum of problems effectively solved by medicine.
- Removal of the company to a new office.
- Open Technologies announces the completion of the project on video-conferernce systems and video-translations in operating rooms in the Medicine Center of the Bank of Russia
- Open Technologies, leading Russian system integrator, announces the completion of the project on virtual frequency net for "ALROSA"
- Open Technologies recieves the Award as the "Best Service Provider of Fujitsu Technology Solutions" in Russia
- Top-managers of the Open Technologies Company – are in TOP-100 of the Best Managers in Russia
- Open Technologies announces the completion of the project of technical infrastructure building for X5 Retail Group
- Open Technologies recieves EMC Award for the largest sales volume in 2008.
- Nikolay Rygov becomes General Director of Open Technologies.
- Open Technologies is awarded in Comnews nomination "The Best Project with the usage of own innovation technologies".
- Open Technologies proves the status of Microsoft Golden Partner.
- Open Technologies announces the completion of the project on defense system of social cards in "Bashkiria Register of social cards".
- Open Technologies builds the informational portal for LUKOIL Overseas Ltd.
- Open Technologies recieves the status of VMware Authorized Partner.
- Open Technologies completes the project on the engineering infrastructure modernization for X5 Retail Group.
- Open Technologies proves the status of Cisco Golden Partner.
- Open Technologies announces the completion of the project for "ТНК-ВР".
- Open Technologies modernizes Data Center Storage in "Sheremetievo Cargo".
- Open Technologies anoounces the beginning of partnership with American Company Fluke Networks.
- Open Technologies gets the highest HP status - HP GOLD Preferred Partner.
- Supercomputer RAN is on the first place among ТОР-500 Russian IT-systems.
- Open Technologies announces the beginning of company rebranding.
- Open Technologies signs the service agreement with Fujitsu Siemens Computers.
- Open Technologies recieves IBM Top 100 Business Partner 2006 Award in the nomination "Best start in IBM Technologies promotion".
- Open Technologies announces the realization of the complex project on CCTV in Bashkiria.
- Open Technologies recieves Cisco Award for the Highest Satisfaction Index of the Customers.
- Open Technologies recieves Hewlett-Packard Award for the "The Biggest Project on НР Platform".
- Open Technologies gets the highest HP status.
- Open Technologies gets the status of Novell Gold Solution Provider.
- Open Technologies together with "Аtlant Soyuz", air-company of Moscow Government, announces the completion of the project on automation mail system.
- Open Technologies - is the golden partner of APC.
- Open Technologies successfully passes the cetrification and gets ISO 9001.
- Open Technologies announces about the completion of the project on infrastructure modernization for "Norilskiy Nikel".
- Open Technologies signs the partnership agreement with Polycom - leading producer of video-conferernce systems.
- Open Technologies recieves ЕМС Award for "The Best Project of the Year".
- Open Technologies gets the status of Cisco Golden Partner.
- Open Technologies gets the highest IBM status.
- In 2004 the company has celebrated the tenth anniversary.
- Open Technologies was awarded the status of Silver Partner from Cisco Systems.
- Open Technologies has received the highest master-partner status of Oracle corporation - Oracle Certified Advantage Partner (OCAP).
- Following the strategy of expanding to the regions, the company has opened the representative offices in Vladivostok, Ekaterinburg, Surgut, Nizhni Novgorod, Saint Petersburg and Krasnodar.
- The company has opened the representative office in Switzerland and stared to operate on the European market.
- The company achieved the status of Oracle Competence Center for high availability systems.
- Based on the company’s financial report in 2003, Open Technologies was included in a number of IT ratings.
- The rating of the Expert Raiting Agency “The largest companies of the Russian ICT market”.
- CNews rating "IT Market: results 2003".
- Rating of the Russian IT companies (organized by “Kommersant-Money” magazine and "iOne" project).
- "15 largest IT companies of Russia" rating, organized by "Fortune Big Business" magazine.
- "Expert 400 - the largest Russian companies by sales revenue" Rating.
- "200 largest non-public companies of Russia" Rating of Forbes.
- The company achieves the status of IBM Competence Center.
- Open Technologies is included in TOP-10 list of "The best IT services suppliers in 2004" rating, based on the research of Intelligent Enterprise magazine.
- Sergey Vladimirovich Kalin and Oleg Faritovich Gizatullin have been included into the rating of the most professional managers of Russia (project of Association of managers of Russia).
- As a result of activity in 2004 the company has been included in the TOP10 ratings of the largest companies operating at the Russian ICT market – Expert Research Agency, CNews, Astera and others.
- Since the 1st of March, 2005 by the competitive committee decision Sergey Vladimirovich Kalin has been appointed General Director in the Institute of Fine Mechanics and Computer Science in Russian Academy of Science. Oleg Gizatullin – General Director – has headed the Open Technology company.
- New affiliates – in Krasnodar and Saint-Petersburg – are opening.
- Partnership with the S-Terra CSP company – Russian CVP developer – has been contracted.
- The company has possessed two new statuses – Silver Partner and Certified Support Provider of the Check Point Software Technologies company, one of the leading world supplier of a software and hardware in a sphere of information security.
- Possession of the highest partner status – Gold Certified Cisco Systems Partner.
- Own Hewlett-Packard information technologies Competence Center has been created at the company.
- Novell Competence Center has been opened on the basis of the company affiliate in Ekaterinburg to support the customers in Ural region.
- The company is possessing Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Status, confirmed by two competences: Advanced Infrastructure Solutions and Information Worker Solutions.
- The company is possessing the highest IBM Partner status – Premier Partner.
- The company president Sergey V. Kalin was included into the list of top 100 managers of the Russian IT industry. The rating was composed by «Kommersant» Publishing House, TranceLite Promotion Company, IT Club and Russian Association of Managers.
- Sergey V. Kalin was also included into the rating of 1,000 most professional managers of Russia (the rating was composed by Russian Association of Managers and PH «Kommersant»).
- In addition, for three subsequent years, 2001, 2002 and 2003, Sergey V. Kalin was included into the list "iTop-100 of the Russian IT-industry" – the list of one hundred persons who, in the opinion of the IT market participants and their corporate and government customers, have made the greatest contribution to the industry development and personify the Russian IT industry (the rating was organized by the iOne project and IT-CLUB).
- Open Technologies was included into the list "Top-10 best system integrators of Russia" for 2002, based on the opinion of the most competent IT experts in Russia. The system integration market research was organized and carried out by the Intelligent Enterprise/RE magazine ("Corporate Systems").
- Open Technologies has become a partner of Expand Networks and starts to market the solution allowing to enhance the performance of data transfer channels.
- Open Technologies has got FAGCI (Federal Agency for Government Communication and Information) license allowing design, development, maintenance and distribution of the information systems with cryptographic algorithms. The license has confirmed the high qualification of the company’s employees and enabled to offer the complete solutions in information security area.
- Following the strategy of marketing corporate data storage systems Open Technologies has become the partner of EMC.
- Open Technologies has opened the representative offices in Minsk, Volgograd and Novosibirsk.
- The status of Veritas Elite Enterprise Partner, received by the company, has confirmed the high qualification of Open Technologies in data storage and management solutions.
- The high services level, one of the basic company’s principles, was once again confirmed by achieving Sun Service Manager (SSM) status.
- The new departments, responsible for ERP-systems deployment, have been created within the company.
- The company confirms the status of Enterasys Elite Partner, the highest status in the partner certification system of Enterasys Networks.
- The new department of custom software and embedded hardware development has been created within the company. The main services, offered by the department, are organization, management and implementation of projects according the clients’ specific requirements. The services also include IT consulting as well as design and development of software and embedded hardware systems.
- Open Technologies has become the general system Integrator in OracleE-BusinessSuite deployment project for Svyazinvest company.
- Development of long-term relations with a number of large customers.
- The company was awarded the System Integrator status for delivering services to the branches of the Central Bank of RF.
- Establishment of business relations with the world leading vendors (Livingston, Netscape, Cisco, HP, Remedy, BMC, Lucent, Quant-X, API Inc.).
- Increase of the number of network integration projects.
- Open Technologies was successfully certified by the auditorial laboratory of Government Technical Commission of IRBIS (Integrated Solution of Information Systems Security) technological solution.
- Opening of regional representative offices in Perm and Tyumen.
- Certificates of the Government Technical Commission for delivering information security services and the information objects accreditation were received.
- Open Technologies has become the first partner of Sun Microsystems in Russia that received the certificate of Sun Datacenter System Provider.
- The status of APC (American Power Conversion) Solution Partner has been achieved.
- Mutually advantageous cooperation with the world‘s leading IT companies (Sun Microsystems, Cray Research, Oracle, Informix, Cabletron Systems).
- Personnel training (including international trainings).
- New business relations in regions: Tashkent, Alma-Ata, Perm, Tomsk, Ekaterinburg and other cities.
- Creation of service center supporting a wide range of the company’s products.