Open Technologies achieved the highest status VMware Principal Partner
15 April 2021 VMware awarded Open Technologies the highest status of Principal Partner as the result of partners’ audit. This decision was especially stimulated by our company's performance rate in Data Center Virtualization.This qualification program acknowledges the partners’ salesmanship and work with technologies skills, service experience and successful deals, associated with VMware new generation IT-priorities. Principal Partners achieve the qualification Master Services Competence within VMware program. They provide the best service to their clients, have a deep expertise and, as the vendor claims, have spent thousand hours and significant means to acquire required experience and masterpiece.
A company should achieve the highest-level certification, prove the quality of services and its employees’ expert knowledge in order to get any qualification of MSC level. Principal Partner demands:
1. 2 specialists VMware Sales Professional (VSP) certification after successful passing VSP Foundation exam
2. Passing online course Ethics and Compliance Training for Partners
3. Achieving 1 or 2 Solution Competence
4. Achieving Master Service Competency in his product areas
5. Get 1M Tier Credits for turnover of the same product area, as Solution Competency and Master Service Competence
The good responses from the clients about the recently completed projects by Open technologies also influenced the vendor decision.
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